Friday, 7 December 2012

3 questions for interview!

Wow... I almost forgot that I still have this blog for idea sharing! Looking back at the dates, I have so many stories to tell, but I'll just share this one for now.

Recently I'm searching for this interesting topic, "What will be the interviewer's most popular questions nowadays?". I'm fortunate to have come across this article written by Jeff Haden. He shares about 3 questions, 3 important questions that reveal everything!

Following are the quotes taken from the article:

Here's how it works. Just start from the beginning of the candidate's work history and work your way through each subsequent job. Move quickly, and don't ask for detail. And don't ask follow-up questions, at least not yet.

Go through each job and ask the same three questions:

1. How did you find out about the job?
2. What did you like about the job before you started?
3. Why did you leave?

From the way I learned about the questions, it tells me that:
1) First question is to find out whether someone already have a career vision, or still looking.
2) Second question is to find out whether the interviewee already know what kind of environment and what type of work they want.
3) Third question is to find out about the interviewee's character.

Read here to find out why these questions from the author's point of view,

Hope you enjoy learning the questions too!

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